Love's golden cage

A teary scroll, the morning light,
A +1 by your name, is a desperate sight.
A secret kept, a tangled web,
My pain you see, yet feigned concern you spread.

Unwanted freedom, a cage you hold,
Attention's rain, then stories left untold.
My time you waste, a double bind,
While claiming burdens of a different kind.

You track my steps, a jealous eye,
Each post, each like a silent cry.
A twisted dance, a push and pull,
Friendship's mask, a love unfulfilled.

The perfect friend, the boyfriend too,
A crown you wear, yet fail to pursue.
My world controlled, your standards high,
No friend, no guy, escapes your judging eye.

My peace I craved, a number is gone,
But panicked calls, a haunting song.
Fake concern, a selfish fear,
That I'll move on, and leave you here.

Love bombs explode, attention reigns,
A fleeting high, then back to the chains.
The cycle spins, I block, you plead,
My freedom sought a planted seed.

Yet here I stand, with hope's faint spark,
A +1 message, a breaking dark.
This toxic waltz, I long to end,
Will this hope bloom, or will it bend?

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Chanchal Yadav

My words paint a world where memories resurface, both beautiful and haunting. It's up to you to decide if you want to reminisce or rewrite.