Love's Different Light

They ask, with a furrowed brow, "Why haven't you found love, somehow?"
I smile, and my answer takes flight,
"For my heart is ablaze with a different kind of light."
The sun dips low, a fiery kiss,
The moon, a pearl in a misty abyss.
The morning breeze, a gentle sigh,
Fresh rain on earth, a lullaby.
The clouds, a canvas, ever-changing hue,
From vibrant blue to a stormy blue.
The raindrops' song, a sweet refrain,
A love for nature, that soothes all pain.
I wait for a soul, who with me can see,
The beauty that whispers in every tree.
For when we share this love, profound,
Then true love's haven, at last, is found.

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Chanchal Yadav

My words paint a world where memories resurface, both beautiful and haunting. It's up to you to decide if you want to reminisce or rewrite.